Dedicated Nodes:
Exclusive API Access
to Top-50 Blockchains

We provide a dedicated server to the desired network for those who need a maximum speed without any rate limits.


Reach out to us & learn more about conditions and pricing!


Get exclusive access to archive data!


Use various API interfaces: JSON-RPC, WS, GraphQL, etc.


Connect to any network (mainnet, testnet, etc.)


Integrate with any 3rd-party software to be run by your demand

It’s Time to #BUIDL:
Reduced Price for Dedicated Nodes

Wanna get exclusive access to blockchain nodes
for a reasonable price?

• 3 months access for the price of 2!
• High availability + speed
• Unlimited number of requests
• No rate limits

dedicated node illustration

Want to learn more about conditions
and pricing? Reach out to us!


Hello, I'm Aziz Amer!

Business Development Manager
at GetBlock

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